Where is the wallpaper folder in Windows 7?

2021年9月23日—Thisfoldercontainsallimagesavailablefortheslideshow.Iwantimageswhichareenabled.C:--users--Username--Appdata--local--microsoft-- ...,2012年4月28日—ThefolderatC:-Windows-Web-Wallpaperjustcontainsthedefaultwallpaperthatcameinstalledwit...。參考影片的文章的如下:


In which folder enabled desktop slideshow images are ...

2021年9月23日 — This folder contains all images available for the slideshow. I want images which are enabled. C:--users--Username--Appdata--local--microsoft-- ...

Solved Where is Win7 wallpaper stored Windows 10 Forums

2012年4月28日 — The folder at C:-Windows-Web-Wallpaper just contains the default wallpaper that came installed with windows 7 but is used by the default Windows ...

Where does Windows 7 store desktop images?

2009年10月30日 — The current user's wallpaper can be found in: C:-Users-your username-AppData-Roaming-Microsoft-Windows-Themes-TranscodedWallpaper.jpg. Good ...

Where does Windows store its current wallpaper? [duplicate]

2013年7月17日 — Under Win7, it's exact location is %AppData%-Microsoft-Windows-Themes-TranscodedWallpaper. ... Where is the wallpaper folder in Windows 7? 11.

Where is the Win 7 Application Data folder?

2010年12月19日 — It will redirect older programs to the new location, which is C:-Users-Ron-AppData-Roaming. You can backup the AppData folder instead. NOTE: The ...

Where is Wallpaper stored?

2019年11月1日 — %APPDATA%-Microsoft-Windows-Themes ( any other pictures that you might have made as an wallpaper. For Windows 10, see https://superuser.com/ ...


2021年9月23日—Thisfoldercontainsallimagesavailablefortheslideshow.Iwantimageswhichareenabled.C:--users--Username--Appdata--local--microsoft-- ...,2012年4月28日—ThefolderatC:-Windows-Web-Wallpaperjustcontainsthedefaultwallpaperthatcameinstalledwithwindows7butisusedbythedefaultWindows ...,2009年10月30日—Thecurrentuser'swallpapercanbefoundin:C:-Users-yourusername-AppData-Roaming-Microsoft-Windows...